MOCASSIN 2.02 manual
- 1. What's new
- 2. How to get MOCASSIN up and running
- 3. How to run the benchmark cases
- 4. General usage
- 4.1 Running things other than benchmark cases
- 4.2 List of keywords
- autoPackets
- continuumCube
- contShape
- convLimit
- debug
- densityFile
- densityLaw
- diffuseSource
- dustFile
- dustMass
- echo
- edges
- fillingFactor
- getEquivalentTau
- getTau
- Hdensity
- home
- inclination
- inputNe
- isotropicScattering
- LPhot
- LStar
- maxIterateMC
- MdMg
- MdMh
- multiChemistry
- multiDustChemistry
- multiGrids
- multiPhotoSources
- nbins
- Ndust
- nebComposition
- NeStart
- noPhotoelectric
- nPhotons
- nStages
- nuMax
- nuMin
- nx
- ny
- nz
- output
- planeIonization
- quantumHeatGrain
- quantumHeatGrainParameters
- Rin
- Rout
- recombinationLines
- resLinesTransfer
- slit
- symmetricXYZ
- talk
- TeStart
- traceHeating
- TStellar
- writeGrid
- 5. Input and Output Files
- 6. Miscellaneous notes on MOCASSIN
- 7. Limitations and future development