Echo keyword included - see list of keywords below.
from 2.02.51 to 2.02.52
Fixed bug in mocassinWarm and mocassinOutput in grid_mod and fixed but that affected plane parallel models.
from 2.02.50 to 2.02.51
Fixed bug in mocassinOutput mocassinWarm
from 2.02.49 to 2.02.50
2D option implemented. Does not work with multiGrids.
from 2.02.48 to 2.02.49
removed the tau.out output, now MOCASSIN produces tauNu.out output, which is the tau(nu) at the edge of the grid in the three axial directions starting from the origin of the axes.
from 2.02.47 to 2.02.48
removed bad Chianti data and reformatted data comments to be more portable.
from 2.02.46 to 2.02.47
the lgIsotropic option is now carried through to the mocassinWarm start routine
from 2.02.45 to 2.02.46
added unisotropic scattering - the <cos theta> are calculated directly from the dielectric constants through Mie theory and make use of the Heyney-Greenstein phase function - polarisation not included but would be trivial at this point. Isotropic scattering case is still available via the inclusion of the keyword isotropicScattering
from 2.02.44 to 2.02.45
fixed bug that caused MOCASSIN to hang after convergence has been reached
from 2.02.43 to 2.02.44
fixed bug in HeI rec lines routine (extrapolation beyond atomic data temperature limits caused inappropriate He I recombination line ratios- only affected HeI recombination line estimates for model with a significant number of cells with Te<5kK). Bug affected versions 2.02.31-2.02.42.
from 2.02.42 to 2.02.43
fixed bug in nu searching routine (caused spikes in SED when resolution changed dramatically)
from 2.02.41 to 2.02.42
fixed bug in dust PDF calculations
from 2.02.40 to 2.02.41
fixed bug in LPhot→LStar conversion for dust+gas simulations
from 2.02.39 to 2.02.40
fixed bug in HeI rec lines routine
from 2.02.38 to 2.02.39
fixed allocation bug in update - grain heating - only affected g-fortran
bug fixed in statistical weightsoutshells affecting species with z>18
from 2.02.34 to 2.02.35
bug fixed in reading PAH files
from 2.02.33 to 2.02.34
bug fixed in mocassinPlot
from 2.02.32 to 2.02.33
HeI recombination lines routine fixed in emission_mod and output_mod.
from 2.02.31 to 2.02.32
bugs fixed in output_mod - recombination contribution to forbidden transitions added to selected ions - ci.dat ciii.dat neiv.dat nev.dat ni.dat nii.dat niv.dat oii.dat oiii.dat (W. Wei, Hai Bo - PKU); equilibrium routine and its calls also changed accordingly; to see what CELs now include the recombination contributions please see the end of the data/*.dat files listed.
from 2.02.30 to 2.02.31
HeI recombination line data modified to include density dependency.
from 2.02.29 to 2.02.30
forbiddenlines pointers modified.
from 2.02.28 to 2.02.29
bug fixed with mocassinPlot.
from 2.02.14 to 2.02.28
some bugs fixed, most regarding the application of multigrids and of multiple ionisation sources. Previous syntax for multigrids and multiple sources is obsolete. Please check relevant sections.
diffuse ionisation source included - see diffuseSource keyword. V 2.02.13 was skipped as it includes extinction map routines - redundant - and also it has a higher number of Hlevels so it runs slower.
from 2.01 to 2.02
ionising stellar atmosphere files from can now be directly read into MOCASSIN (but please manually remove the header).
Grain charge calculations.
Photoelectric heating from dust grains.
Gas-grain collisions.
PAH optical constants included.
Dust optical constant data can be entered in terms of Qs (lambda dependent and radius dependent) - please refer to input files.
The main changes regard the introduction of multiple ionising sources placed at any location in the grid. See multiPhotoSources. The central star(s) parameters are now written to a separate output file (output/photoSource.out). This version is fully compatible with inputs of Version 2.00, but not with the grid*.out files (so mocassinWarm compiled with Version 2.01 will not work with grids produced by Version 2.00).