MOCASSIN 2.02 manual
Ndust string1 real1
Number density [cm-3] of dust grains. If string1
='constant' then it must be followed by real1
, containing the value of Ndust to be applied homogeneously to all cells in the grid. If string1
=file then it must be followed by string2
, the name of the file defining Ndust at each location. Note that MdMg and Ndust are mutually exclusive. This file must consists of four columns, with the first three columns containing the x-, y-, and z- coordinates of the grid cell in [cm] and the fourth columns containing the number density of dust in [cm-3] at the particular grid cell. The x, y and z axis do not to be equally spaced; irregular grids are perfectly acceptable by MOCASSIN and also the extent of each axis can vary (as long as this is consistent with the values given in the nx, ny and nz fields).
It is possible to specify nx, ny and nz from within string2
- the first row of the file should then be
# nx ny nz
and the keywords can be omitted from
Default value
.false. 0./'none'